Re: Oh Canada! (good news on postage)

From: Viktor Haag <viktor.haag_at_...>
Date: Wed, 1 Jul 2009 16:12:20 -0400

Thank-you, Moon Design, for following up on this issue and providing a solution. As a frustrated denizen of Canuckistan, I salute you (and purchase your wares).


2009/7/1 Rick Meints <rjmeints_at_...>:
> To all denizens of the Great White North,
> We have scoured the US Postal service website and have found a cheaper way to ship the books from the US to Canada. They will not be shipped Priority Mail, but First Class. We are able to offer this at the SAME $6 postage rate we are offering for US addresses, so we have changed the link on the site so US and Canadian purchases of the HQ rulebook are done via the same button.
> You asked, and we have fixed it.

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