Re: So what do you think of the new rules?

From: Soren Petersen <sorenpetersen_at_...>
Date: Sat, 04 Jul 2009 14:34:44 -0000

I haven't read the rules from cover to cover yet, but in general I like them. Think the new 'first to 5' will speed up extended combats quite a bit. I love the fact that runes will be more integrated into the system but wish that there had been many more examples of what you can and cannot do with a rune. Hopefully that will come later.

Not happy to see the limit on augments and the lack of equipment modifiers - but then again YGMW. Part of the fun of a PBEM campaign is watching the augments mount up to impressive numbers. :)

Would have liked more focus on Glorantha and less on the cyberpunk stuff - I think most of us will use the rules for Gloranthan gaming anyway.

But overall, I'm quite happy to read the new rules. I'll probably cherry-pick what I like from them for now and use a mix of HQ 1 and 2 rules in upcoming games (mainly HQ 1). :)


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