Re: What genres and settings are you planning for HeroQuest?

From: L C <lightcastle_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 11:27:20 -0500

Xmas snatched me away, as it does.

I'm currently running Unfettered Space, which is my Serenity-esque/Traveller-esque/Star Frontiers-esque game of the crew of the Ahrundhati - a free trader on the Rim 6 years after the end of the War of Independence. Scheduling and a general need to ease people back into the system (we went through HQ1, then Otherworlds, and now are in HQ2, and the sheets needed to be rethought and cleaned up some) has slowed us. I'm hoping Jan we can relaunch with some direction.

I want to possibly go and do a version of the "Strangers washed up on a strange and disjointed world" thing. (Maelstrom has good version of this, The old GURPS Banestorm was this somewhat as well.) I started a game like this years ago with a specifically dark tone called Oubliette - with the world loosely pillaged from the old Dark Sun stuff, but I think I'd go closer to the dream-like SteamPunk of Maelstrom if I did run it again. Actually, it would depend a lot on the players. I'd probably pull in something like FATE and let them actively make up elements of the world on the fly for an HP if they wanted.

I've been considering a Pulp in the vein of my old Justince Inc. game. (Which I called "Raiders of the Last Hellblazer")

I don't have time for any of this, of course. :)


Continuum wrote:
> So what genres and settings are you planning for HeroQuest?
> Anything unusually or very different?
> Tells us all you plans with the game.
> Darran
> _

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