Re: Re: Using HQ2 for Exalted? - Virtues

From: David Scott <sciencefish_at_...>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 23:24:54 +0000

On 30 Dec 2009, at 17:19, L C wrote:

> This is interesting to me.
> You see Limit as something players will avoid. One option, of course, is
> to make it be the central flaw. (They don't get to pick it.)

It's one of their three flaws, that also includes their motivation and a virtue. They don't get to pick any of their flaws - it's tough being a superhuman guardian of all creation.

> I'm also not sure what you see it doing. This is what they roll against
> when they act against their virtue? Or push themselves too far in power?
> It's just a source of challenges to be resisted so they don't snap?
> If that's the case, does it even need a stat? Can't you just have
> anything that might push you to a limit require a roll to keep control,
> with the resistance set according to story needs? (You've been throwing
> perfects around? Have a "very hard" limit check.)

Rather than have a ten point trigger, their trigger is now an increasing flaw that when limit is gained may trigger against the rising difficulty of the campaign. I'm hoping that as their limit flaw increases, it's held in check by the rising consequences and rising base values. When the game reaches a crescendo and the characters are confronted with acting with or against their motivation or virtue that will be the best time for them to pop! I intend to use limit as a story driver not a mechanic to screw the players over.

All of my players are quite experienced with HQ2 and will probably grab these flaws and run with them just for entertainment value.

Most players in Exalted try hard not to accrue limit. In Exalted you also gain it by spending willpower to avoid unnatural mental interference, that's gone in HeroQuest. Using perfects to increase limit is mechanism for increasing limit and making players aware of the consequences of their actions and not all Exalted have perfects.

Limit is covered on page 4 of the return to the tomb of five corners.


David Scott. Mac & PC Computer Support.
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