Re: heroquest with lunar gods

From: Santo Sengupta <aumshantih_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 May 2010 23:19:48 -0400

Namaste Greg:

> I know the results of the HeroQuest would not change the nature of either
> > Humakt or Yanafil Tarnils, but could such a thing impact the magic of the
> > two mortal Heroes?
> >
> Yes. Bu whereas the Yanafil Tarnils will benefit from the encounter, by
> "killing death," the Humakti can't take any power from him, because the
> only "new thing" he has is Lunar.

*Interesting*. So by altering a Lunar HeroQuest, the benefits accrued would be Lunar? Wouldn't the Humakti's connections to the Sword God benefit from reasserting the position of the Old Gods versus the New Immortals?

> Of course doing this would be dangerous for the Humakti, as by winning
> > instead of losing in this Lunar HeroQuest, he would "venture off the hero
> > path" and that could find him jettisoned into unusual parts of the
> > HeroPlanes. This theoretically could attract the attention of Lunar
> > powers/authorities, who are in the 3rd Age of Glorantha the penultimate
> > HeroQuesters.. until the the Rise of Argrath.
> >
> I think that an excellent would be for the Humakti to kill the YT
> candidate, feed parts of him to the wasps, and go off and die fighting
> against whatever comes after Yanafil Tarnils
> (because something will fill the vacuum left by his absence.)
> Actually, the Humakti ought to follow the vacant path and try to kill
> the Red Goddess.

Dear Goddess, that's a frightening thought.

Now, providing this is all taking place in the Hero Planes - the Humakti going against the "Red Goddess" would be facing a Priestess of Sedenya who was experiencing the Teelo Estara's ReNativity during a Lunar Holy Day celebrations. Of course, this likely put him in a great deal more danger that going against a Yanafali - the Red Goddess priestess is likely to have more community support, and he's going into unknown/uncharted myth.

aum shanti shanti shantih.
"The world is like the impression left by the telling of a story." - from the Yoga Vāsiṣṭha

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