Re: Re: Clan Generation Questionnaire

From: David Scott <sciencefish_at_...>
Date: Thu, 26 Aug 2010 22:48:27 +0100

On 26 Aug 2010, at 14:09, gregory_molle wrote:

> What is "Greg's old Epic Questionnaire" ???

It was part of a draft for a new game system that Greg was working on around 1992. It was a post RQ system and had a lot of background that eventually went into KoS. Characters had traits, but not the same as Pendragon, Can't remember if it was percentile or D20, but I've a vague feeling that hadn't been settled on. it was the story of the settlement of Dragon Pass, wars n' all. Some of the wargaming bits were reminiscent of earlier Dragon Pass /WBRM stuff. What I do remember is that it had a map of the City of Wonders, mapped as a giant hexagon and the character sheets had a figure to draw your tattoos on. I suspect that all of the useful stuff has been pillaged and has appeared in some form or other in KoS, HW, HQ, KoDP and the Stafford libraries.

What copies exist today are probably at the bottom of wastepaper baskets in the Jonstown LIbrary awaiting treasure seekers to resurrect them and auction them to foolish lunar treasure seekers searching for the enlightenment they contain. They'd cause occlusion anyway:-)


David Scott. Mac & PC Computer Support.
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020-8150-9716 / 07956-589433

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