Re: runes and groups

From: orlanthumathi <anti.spam_at_...>
Date: Wed, 21 Mar 2012 18:41:59 -0000

The obvious answer is did it feel right for your game. That is after all what a genre pack is essentailly. A set of conventions and guidelines to help define what can and can't happen in your game.

That saidl, for these kinds of conflicts I tend to look past the discrete action such as disguise, hide, cover tracks etc, and make the roll between the person trying to hide/ deceive, and the person trying to see through the deception.

So in this case I would assume the player was able to perform a passable camouflage, because if it wasn't passable then no right minded person would continue with the deception (and by making it a roll you are decreeing it possible). And, when the actual raid was taking place I would call for the roll based on the circumstances at that time. So if there were other precautions, and or the players had made other stong tactical choices then I would take this into account.

General rule of thumb in HQ2 is any modifiers that are not available for manipulation by the players should be folded into the conflict, so in this case the number of people to camouflage is non variable, but the amount of time taken to perform the camouflage, and the other precautions taken are, so I would choose the resistance based on the difficulty of multiple targets, and apply modifiers based on the other precautions.


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