Re: Re: Inspirational reading etc. for a Pavis campaign

From: lev_at_...
Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2012 13:32:09 +1000

> Make sure you get hold of the Griselda stories by Oliver Dickinson!

Seconded. I took the opportunity to use Treasure Trove Hurbi as an regular NPC and made use of one of Oliver's famous scenario:

>> What would you include in a Pavis bibliography + cinematography?

We used Peter Gabriel's "Rhythm of the Heat" as a theme song, if that helps any.

I think you'll have to use a "The Magnificent Seven" scenario at some point, probably not for Pavis, but certainly for outlying town, perhaps in an isolated corner of Sun County. The usual great fare by Sergio Leone of course, and if you want some comic relief, "Straight to Hell".

Hope this helps, Lev

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