Re: Clan description

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 00:05:07 +1100


But how many buildings per stead? One longhouse, or
> more?

Probably several hearths. 20-40 adults seems the general range for a Sartarite hearth (TR 27).

Would the family head have his own accomodation?

Do you mean the bloodline elder(s)? Usually no, but there may well be smaller lodges used for private meetings, cult storytelling and small rituals.

Would all be
> within some sort of defences, a ditch, stake wall, etc?

Yes, unless there has been sudden expansion. Exceptions perhaps in 'safe' areas that are difficult to access to outsiders. Palisade, ditch and tower would be usual (see KODP). Some steads will be based around ancient ruins, and many will be close to an ancient or even modern hillfort.

I am working with a central area with the chief's
> hall, weaponthane's hall, stabling for them, and a few significant
> nobles, blacksmithy, etc. within the major defences (magic ones, for
> us, that's why we moved in - we've got a damn big wall :). Around
> this, a few steads nearby, a few more further afield.

Remember that chiefs change, and will not always be from the same bloodline. I'd imagine the chief's stead (usually the founder's or acestral stead -TR33) to be 'common ground', with hearths there for each of the clan's bloodlines. its the most logical place for temples, markets, law rocks etc.

> Here's my real problem. Which people would stay with their family,
> and which group together?

I think the weaponthanes would have a hall
> together.

Yes, by the chief's hall. People tend to play weaponthanes as two main types: experienced 'lifelong' warriors (who may or may not be married) and young, unmarried men building up their personal status and wealth before settling down to marriage. Generally, they will live together. I'm not saying that weaponthanes don't marry, but the expectation is that you will die for the clan if necessary (or even if not necessary) and raising a family will sometimes be seen as distracting you from this single-minded ded ication. Some weaponthanes will certainly have families, who will live at nearby hearths. I'd imagine they'd be more ambassadorial/training orientated rather than front line types, and their abode might only nominally be the thane's hall.

Would devotees of various cults just live with their
> bloodlines (as they can't support themselves, probably yes)?

Mostly, unless the cult was marginal, dangerous, smelly or particularly anti-family.

> nobles move closer to the chief?

The idea of the founder's stead with hearths for each bloodline would cover this. Nobles could stay there as necessary, as well as attending to their home stead. Ditto the chief.

How about Humakti - probably apart
> from the bloodline, but with the weaponthanes, or separate again?

Campaign variation. Mostly apart (TR 118), though they'd be no problems with them staying in the weaponthane's hall.

> Would Uroxi even stay within the clan?

Within the stead, but with their own lodge apart from the circle of kin. Possibly beyond the palisades. Sometimes the only solution to Uroxi is to lock the gate. :)



nysalor_at_... John Hughes

"When it comes to emotion, sometimes the greatest  heroes are also the greatest idiots."

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