Re: RQ, HW

From: Jeffrey Zahari <jeff_zahari_at_...>
Date: Sat, 24 Feb 2001 14:02:47 +1100

>HeroWars has many great ideas, but I am not convinced by the modern
>versions of Glorantha with her thousands of deities is better than in the
>days of Cults of Prax, when a dozen cults was enough. To be honest I
>was never comfortable with the idea of different aspects of the same god,
>and felt things went downhill (FOR ME) when the Glorious Reascent of
>Yelm was written.

But the idea of different aspects goes back to at least Wyrm's Fotnotes #13 (I think), where we were told that Orlanth had various aspects and were even given rudimentary spell lists. It has also been long-standing that there are many specialised deities. We just never got the details.

There is a case for worship to be even more fragmented than it is now. It is my understanding that pagan religions were never as systematised as they appear in modern collecions of myths and legends. Orlanth ought to be worshipped in different ways and perhaps under different names by different tribes/clans/bloodlines.

>When it comes to HeroWars I do not like the strict separation of the four
>magic/belief systems, which feels 'gamey' and forced to me.

Say rather that the combination of all forms of magic under the rubric of 'spells', cast with 'magic points' and 'characteristic POW' is gamey.

"Your spirits may howl, witch, but the Lord protects me. Exorciso te!"

"Regard those farmers, Lucretius. They personify the Red Moon and offer sacrifices to her. Truly they do not see the way, the fire that burns within us all. Repeat after me: we are all the cosmos, and the cosmos is us."

"Sure, it was grand to see. Kokolan, the lovely warior he is, leaped ten feet in the air and performed the Snapping Turtle feat upon the meldek. Sliced he was from the parting in his hair to the linen in his drawers. Such is always the way whatever when the son of Senatra stands forth splendidly in all his triple-ringed armour and brandishes his nine-barbed spear ...(drone, drone)"

Back in the old Genertela pack, GS said something about having replaced his original monomyth ideas with an appreciation of the differences between myths. Finally the game is catching up.

>I believe the combination Avalon Hill and RuneQuest3 and the mystery
>of trying to figure out Heroquesting killed off RuneQuest.
>I liked Greg's earilier work better than his later work. RuneQuest and the
>Glorantha of that era was fun and imaginative, now it seems pretentious
>and overly serious.

Well, we still have ducks. And it looks like HW will do nicely for Rubble-bashing and cruising the Apple Lane, if that's what you want to do. Even at the highest levels of herodom we have...Beat-Pot!?!?

>Opinions of one RQ grogard.

Salute from an ex-RQ player. I have to say that HW has revived my flagging interest, which can't be all bad.


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