Re: NomadBattle

From: Gianfranco Geroldi <janjero_at_...>
Date: Sun, 25 Feb 2001 11:50:23 +0100

> Skirmishers have trouble defending anything except with a very "forward"
> strategy - they need to attack/harass the Moros and Zebras as far away
> the Knob as possible. If the moros get withing striking range of the knob,
> the impalas will pretty much have to give it up - mounted troops are
> notoriuosly bad at holding ground, and the impalas ca *not* get into hand
> hand with the moros.

Agree. IMO, the Moros' main weakness is their herd. How can they impede an attempt by the Impalas to slaughter their herds (and so destroy the Moros logistic resources)?

> The impala's can swamp the zebras if they can get them away from the
> so the zebras will probably stay close to the moros and try *not* to
> a retreating enemy. The Zebras are the only real missile troops that the
> allies have, so they will be a main target of the impalas. It will take a
> concerted effort by the impalas to eliminate the zebras unless the zebra
> commander is a complete idiot - the zebras are better at hand to hand
> than the impalas, and they have slightly better armor. In a missile
> the zebras have better ability, but with such a disparity of numbers the
> impalas can lose 200 men to take out the 80 or so zebras.
> Once the zebras are removed (not if, when) the moros will be at the mercy
> the impala bowmen - they will have little to counter them with except
> since moros have little in the way of missle power and are much slower
> the impalas, who can simple dance out of the way.

I imagine the Moros as basically intelligent quadrupedals: they could form a loose "V" formation, running for great distances on four legs, with their shields slung on the backs. The shield defend them from the curved longshot of the Impalas. If the bowmen approach to shoot them straightly in their legs, they come in range of the Moros' bolas and magic. I don't think that the Moros are at the mercy of a more mobile force as the crusaders were.

> On the other hand, the moros can travel at night, and lay up in the day
> after digging trenches and pits to keep away or funnle the impalas into
> killing grounds (someone wrote about that in the Glorantha Digest a few
> years ago). Once the moros get on the knob, the impalas won't really have
> chance to dislodge them, even with the numerical and missle superiority.

True. But I think the strongest champions among the pygmies will try a last charge to defend the Knob. A desperate attempt.

> If the Impalas have plenty of time to engage the allies, I'd lay odds that
> the moros would not reach the nob. It will take a canny and lucky moro
> to take the hill.

The Moro chief is currently a Sable Rider hero, assisted by lunar tactic advisors. I suppose this substantially balance the Impala famous warleader's cunning.

> If you have Nomad Gods (or Dieux Nomads), I'd give the zebras one counter,
> the moros ~12-15, and the impalas ~20-25. For a tactical game (rather than
> the strategic level of NG) I'd probably double the Impala move rate, and
> reduce the Moros by ~1-2.

I',m afraid I dont' own this marvel :-(

Ciao e grazie


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