Re: The Dundealos

From: Jeff <jeff.kyer_at_...>
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2001 15:10:50 -0000

> I think that the Lunars committed a strategic mistake by exiling the
> remnants of Dundealos in Prax, a region bordering Sartar. Who is
> for this bad choice? It seems the best way to encourage rebellion in
> Send them in the Redlands or in Skathilands and let's see whoever
will hear
> a single moan from them...
> Gian the Avtokrator

I disagree. If they were sent off to such a place, they would DISAPPEAR... In their current state, anyone can hear of what has happened/will happen to them. Often with any passing trader giving updates on their plight.

Prax is viewed as Hell On Earth by the Sartarites - a dusty wasteland full of savage, bloodthirsty nomads and not a scrap of food or sup of water.

Its a VISIBLE reminder of the price of rebellion. Just like the crosses outside the major cities along Sartar's Roads.


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