Re: The Dundealos

From: ian_hammond_cooper_at_...
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 12:06:24 -0000

Peter Metcalfe wrote:  

> It is my understanding that the refugees are not absorbed by
> the Pol Joni.

We may differ on this I thought fleeing to their relatives in the Pol Joni was accepted as being one of the Dundealos refugee destinations.

> >And the old Dundealos lands have been ethnically cleansed, and that
> >was a Lunar objective.
> The lunars are not into ethnic cleansing because there's no
> ethnic difference between those that remained behind in the
> Enstalos tribe and those that were forced to flee.

Bad Ian, should not have used the ethnic cleansing word, too likely to cause a flame war.

However I think that many of the Enstalos are Tarshite immigrants. And the Dundealos survivors who do form part of the Enstalos follow the Lunar way.

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