Re: The Dundealos

From: bruce_at_...
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2001 13:35:52 -0000

I *think* Peter was saying that the Dundealos refugees retain their own separate cultural identity rather than being absorbed and "becoming Poljoni".
I don't think he was disputing the Poljoni as a destination.

> However I think that many of the Enstalos are Tarshite immigrants.
> And the Dundealos survivors who do form part of the Enstalos follow
> the Lunar way.

That's right. The Lunar authorities move in a lot of settlers. The survivors are "forced to" convert, whether through force, their own fear or cowardice or desire to curry favour with the Lunars. I think the immigrants will (eventually) form a majority of the new tribe. Given that more than half of the new tribe uses Lunar practices, with the backing of whatever occupation troops have been left behind, it seems inevitable that they will dominate the "official" practices of the tribe.
I can still see some individuals and steads secretly conducting rites in the "old Heortling way". Especially the more isolated ones.



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