Re: Just a thought

From: bruce_at_...
Date: Wed, 28 Mar 2001 07:55:39 -0000

This I like!

I imagine more war-like clan chieftains would keep their Humakti close to hand rather than sticking them out near the edge of the tula. Though most clans would follow something like Benedict's suggestion.

Presumably the Humakti wouldn't literally stand at the urnfield entrance *all the time*. Only on holy days, or when funerals are being conducted? He's there at the exit to the urnfield to make sure none of the dead try to sneak out with the mourners at the end of the funeral.

I imagine the Ty Kora Tek cultists taking a hand in the initiation of youngsters into warrior cults. Grandmother's role is to show the new warriors what their chosen will certainly lead to. (See my Vinga initiation myth in the group files for an example of this).



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