Re: Heroes & Gods

From: TTrotsky_at_...
Date: Fri, 30 Mar 2001 17:17:30 EST


<< this stirs a question from my blackhearth:  The Gloranthan theists seem to me more "christian" or "Hebrew" or "islamic" than Gloranthan Malkioni do.
 Because they admit an action starting from their god.>>

     The Invisible God takes actions. And not just at the creation, either, He has inspired his prophets and saints throughout history, through the intercession of visions of the prophet Malkion (e.g. Hrestol, Siglat), through writing the Abiding Book, and so on.


     I really don't think so. Aristotle and the like do have parallels in Malkioni thought, but so do Christ, Mohammed, St Paul and so on.

<< *If* I am right, then why do they need a Church? Only to manipulate masses' power like the Kralorelans do? >>

    Rokari answer: The wizards acts as intercessors between God and man, that we may be liberated through His divine grace.

    Hrestoli answer: The wizards guide us in the correct way to act and help to resolve our moral quandaries. Through their guidance we can avoid the pitfalls that lead the damned into eternal oblivion.

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