Re: Becoming a Chaos creature

From: janjero_at_...
Date: Mon, 09 Apr 2001 13:27:08 -0000

> torn, and through those rents chaos may seep. This is on reason
> (among others) that Heortlings have 'bootless' crimes like Rape,
> Kinstrife and and Secret Murder - they break the social fabric,
> risk the entry of chaos into the world. It is also, one of the
> reasons why Gloranthan cultures are conservative - new ways or
> practices risk breaking the social fabric that keeps chaos out.
> For theists some of 'practices' are so mythically significant that
> expect that they are cross-culturally taboo: rape definitely and
> maybe secret murder and kinstrife.

Yes and no.
Yes, I understand and share your POV.
No in an absolute term: even heroes or Godlearners are not conservative: heroes are innovative, cross-cultural and strongly pragmatic, but they are not chaotic (or do not AFAIK allow chaos to enter the world).

Unless... The problem be exactly this one: everybody blames Ragnaglar or Ganesataurus or the Red Goddess, but the real problem is (and ever was) heroic practices and heroquesting!!!!

I tremble at this thought.


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