Re: Tricksters Leaving the path

From: Grawe, Philipp <pgrawe_at_...>
Date: Sat, 21 Apr 2001 12:58:17 +1000

From: Nick Brooke <Nick_at_...>

> In myths, Orlanth beat and abused Eurmal, and allowed others to do so.

See, I always thought that while the trickster is annoying, a scapegoat and gets blamed, he still does have the protection of the Chief.

It's a two-way thing.

For the chief it's mythically powerful to have a trickster sworn into your service. Rituals work better, heroquests work better because in that sense you are emulating Orlanth Rex with a Trickster by your side. Besides, he may be a pain in the arse, but he is useful. Trickster magic is strange and powerful stuff.

For the trickster it's a case of the chief saying "Nobody beats up my little brother but me". Sure, he cops a bit from the tribe, but at the end of the day he does have the Chief's protection and nobody will go too far because the Chief will stand up for the trickster. Certainly anyone outside the clan or tribe will cop it if they beat up on the trickster.

If you're a born trouble maker who's never found the straight and narrow that can sound pretty tempting.


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