Sacred Time / Fasting

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2001 11:05:27 +1000

Peter L. on Sacred Time:

>although 40 days of fasting doesn't really suit the
> Heortlings

Its certainly not part of their religious worldview, but 'fasting' may be a precursor to Sacred Time activities. Sacred Time occurs after the ferocious Dragon Pass winter and the violence and unpredictability of Storm Season. Storm Season is the Hunger Time (TR 103) but if it has been difficult, there still may be shortages of various foods right up to Sacred Time itself.

Orlanth's High Holy Day (Wind/Movement/Storm) is certainly one where most of the celebratory food has to be carefully hoarded through the Winter want. Similar hoarding may also be necessary for Sacred Time.

The term 'making a virtue out of necessity' springs to mind - Christian fasting during Lent has a similar origin.



nysalor_at_... John Hughes

Now I name the marks of heroes
 Now I sing these signs of greatness,
By their ways our clan is honoured
 By these traits are heroes known!

Reckless raiders of fair cattle
 Bold herd-takers strong and daring,
Gifters generous in granting
 Bind the clan with lavish bounty.

Battle-bloody, they bring terror
 to the foe in clash of champions,
Yet in moot they are well-spoken
 Listen and good counsel give.

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