Initial Campaign Plans

From: Michael Schwartz <mschwartz_at_...>
Date: Sat, 5 May 2001 06:10:12 -0400

Hey folks,

Sent this out to my players about a week ago, to give them a brief outline of what the first few sessions of our "Lonisisaga" will entail. Just thought I'd forward it on to the list for your edification and enjoyment. :)

To recap my plans for the session, we will embellish upon events in the clan's resettlement narrative, including (but not limited to): the divine call to move to Kerofinela, decisions regarding the preparations to be made, reactions to and conflicts with foreign or non-human peoples encountered along the clan's migration route, and any problems which develop after the clan arrives at its new home. Things will be a bit more freeform at first, as we have a good fifty years' worth (1320-1375) of ground to cover.

The second "scenario" of historical vignettes will cover events leading up to the Taral War, and the war itself (1375-1415). The third scenario will cover the years of escalating tribal conflict before Sartar's arrival, including the Zarran War (1415-1470). The fourth scenario will cover Sartar's arrival, the foundation of and his rule over the kingdom which bears his name, the Lunar conquest of Tarsh, and the Dragonewts' Dream (1470-1540). The fifth scenario will cover the civil strife in Tarsh, and events leading up to the invasion of Sartar (1540-1590). The sixth scenario will cover the Lunar invasion and conquest of Sartar, focussing on the Battle of Runegate and the Fall of Boldhome, and events during the Occupation, including Starbrow's Rebellion (1590-1620).

All of these vignettes are intended to last a single session, two at most. We have 300 years of history with which to acquaint everyone, and I am trying to take it in chunks of roughly fifty years' length. I want everyone to eventually choose a handful of names which represent their heroes' kin from the various scenario periods. Using these, we will create genealogies for the heroes. To give you a rough idea of a reasonable quantity to assign, consider:

  Time Span    Generation growing up         Number
  =========    =====================         ======
  1595-1620    Your own                       d6+1
  1570-1595    Your parents'                  d6+1
  1545-1570    Your grandparents'             d3+1
  1520-1545    Your great-grandparents'       d3+1
  1495-1520    Your great^2-grandparents'      d2
  1470-1495    Your great^3-grandparents'      d2
  1445-1470    Your great^4-grandparents'     d3-1
  1420-1445    Your great^5-grandparents'     d3-1
  1395-1420    Your great^6-grandparents'     d2-1
  1370-1395    Your great^7-grandparents'     d2-1
  1345-1370    Your great^8-grandparents'     d3-2
  1320-1345    Your great^9-grandparents'     d3-2

I recommend you only go back as far as 1470 or so, five generations being about the norm for Heortling genealogies. Should you wish to delve deeper into your hero's past, roll for those generations earlier than the fifth. Should you roll a zero at any time, stop there. Even the longest of Argrath's own genealogies only goes back eleven generations, so that is as far as yours can go as well. After all, he *will* be High King someday. :)


Michael Richard Schwartz | Language is my playground, mschwartz_at_... | and words, its slides and Ann Arbor, Michigan USA | swingsets. -- yours truly

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