Re: Re: Avilry

From: Roderick and Ellen Robertson <rjremr_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 09:32:42 -0700

> Thanks for all the info and replys, they helped out a lot. One
> question that did come up in our group though, since these critters
> are carnivors, how do you keep them feed on campaign? Foraging and
> hunting would be a bit chancy, and leading a herd would slow you
> down. Maybe something like hard dog food for dogs? Opinions anyone?

Since the main army also has herds following it (why carry meat when it can walk on its own four legs?) there isn't any "slowing down" as long as the Avilry is part of an army. On long-range reconnaisance they probably forage, just like any cavalry force that can't afford to bring along baggage.

In most ancient armies, the baggage train was bigger than the fighting force - sometimes up to 10 times the men and animals! You have wives/husbands, children, slaves/servants, sutlers (merchants selling goods to the soldiers), prostitutes, cooks, baggage handlers, carts, herds of food or draft animals, the officer's hunting dogs/cats/horses, people looking to loot the battlefield, etc. The armies that *don't* have such a train are the exceptions, not the rule.


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