Re: Archaeology in Glorantha

From: janjero_at_...
Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 14:53:14 -0000

I agree with the (snipped) ideas that Peter wrote.

But I also suggest that in digging out antiquities in ancient times, one of the factor to be kept in mind is that if you found something useful and want to make a fame for yourself out of it, the news themselves are going to spread much slower and in a more twisted way than in our RW.

So the question: what is the most powerful artifact in Sartar can get a potentially infinite number of answers because even if there is one artifact which is a (say) ten masteries rule-the-world sword, the only way to spread the news about it is by voice (or prayer).

And voice (and prayer) even to a Lhankor Mhy or Humakti Truth disciple is going to be reported and warped more easily and speedily than an Ansa or Email communication.

Please, tell me whether I make myself clear.


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