RE: Digest Number 452

From: Adam Benedict Canning <>
Date: Fri, 18 May 2001 01:47:59 +0100

> Date: Thu, 17 May 2001 10:16:30 -0500
> From: Peter Larsen <plarsen_at_...>
> Subject: Re: Re: Archaeology in Glorantha
> Gian Gero says:
> >But I also suggest that in digging out antiquities in
> ancient times,
> >one of the factor to be kept in mind is that if you found
> something
> >useful and want to make a fame for yourself out of it, the news
> >themselves are going to spread much slower and in a more
> twisted way
> >than in our RW.
> >
> >So the question: what is the most powerful artifact in
> Sartar can get
> >a potentially infinite number of answers because even if
> there is one
> >artifact which is a (say) ten masteries rule-the-world sword, the
> >only way to spread the news about it is by voice (or prayer).
> I don't know -- there's all those mystic plot
> devices: the aged Sword Sage
> suddenly sitting bolt upright in her bed and calling to her
> apprentice in a
> suddenly-youthful voice "The Sword has returned from the
> place of myths!"
> or "Speak Lord, Thy servent heareth." or something like
> that.... Of course,
> once these get interpreted, heavens knows what will be made
> of them (as was
> pointed out). Still, Mystic Thingies of Serious Plot Impact
> have a way of
> getting known by Those in the Know. It's a well-known law of fantasy
> fiction....

If only because Asrelia/Ty Kora Tek starts letting all the Heortling Grannies know shes lost it and could they tell her if they see it.

Though if I understood things correctly Ernalda's oven has they most positive effect of any of the nonliving artifacts on my winning KoDP.

And all it does is enable you to bake bread using less grain...

One isn't going to dig up the supernaturally fertile stud bulls which seem to be the most common high end magic artifacte known to Heortlings.

Or are you, I mean if somone sacrifices one to Asrelia during a hero quest does she hide it under the ground in stasis somewhere for someone
to dig up?


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