Re: Storm Tribe In Stores

From: plarsen_at_...
Date: Wed, 23 May 2001 15:22:35 -0500 (CDT)

Jeff Kyer asks:

> Is it just me or is the time-to-store of Issaries stuff speeding up? I
> just noticed that Storm Tribe is on the shelves at Hairy Tarantula (hi
> leon!). Usually its at least a month's wait to get even a sniff of
> stuff. Maybe the distributors are starting to notice the game's a
> steady seller... finally.

Yeah, here in the heart of Texas (Austin), the delay for TR was about three weeks; ST was only two (maybe ten days). Makes me happy. Of course, going in and telling them that Scotland and New Zealand had TR two weeks before they did might have encouraged them to act more swiftly (although I understand its mostly a distributor thing).

Peter Larsen

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