Storm Tribe: Antipodean Sighting

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Thu, 24 May 2001 12:33:19 -0700

My copy arrived in the post yesterday - huzzah! It had an oddly familiar feel almost as soon as I had it in my hand, but what a great little resource it is. A few surprises, and I'm still exploring. It's great to read cults like Heler and Odayla in their considerable entirety for the first time, and I found new info in cults like Humakt utterly compelling - almost as compelling as the first magical time I read Cults of Prax back in ... nevermind. There's even more progress from Issaries on the stray dingbat and spelling font - very few mistakes are evident. The art of Simon Bray we've praised before, I'll praise it again. The rest of the artwork is ecclectic, from a reprinted death dwake, (Hooeymakt is official!, but what of Dooeymakt and Looeymakt?), William Church's death sword from Cults of Prax (a fitting gesture) and a beautifully rendered but genre-jarring "Aolian" Goldentongue straight out of an En Garde! campaign.

I'm far too close to the work to deliver any sort of objective summary, but its a beautifully presented and extremely-readable book.

Back to my reading....


nysalor_at_... John Hughes

The hills of Largertarn
Midst the storms of Ohorlanth
Are two silver horns,
Two breasts childing,
Two steads of lightning.

Midst the gales of Valind
They are two rusted swords,
Twin waves of darkness,
Twin pillars of ice.

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