Re: Praxian Phrasebook for the Traveler

From: bjm10_at_...
Date: Fri, 01 Jun 2001 12:28:26 -0000

> 1. Where do you get all that spare time :-)

I multi task. I can either have paranoid delusions or do things like this.

> 2. Where in Glorantha is the term "khan" from, if not Prax? (I assume
> it's translated as "khan.")

The actual word, /e-'n&nT-wa-ha/, means "person of (like) Waha". That is, as Waha acts, so is this person supposed to act. Mind you, this is only the meaning if it's of masculine gender. If the word is neuter, then it refers to any individual within the /En-'dra-wa-ha/. If the word is feminine, it might refer to a berdache.

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