Re: Gods verus Spirits, and more.

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 10:08:42 -0000

> There are no theistic river spirits. As for river daimones
> being different from river spirits, the question has already
> been tackled in Anaxial's Roster p203 ("The Elemental entities
> of each Otherworld have different abilities and attributes.
> However they can appear superficially similar - a normal person
> usually cannot distinguish between a worli, umbroli and kolati
> although any magician can tell them apart"). There's also

Sure, but my problem is with the magicians telling them apart. I mean, when doing a scene I could tell the player that, but I would like to do more showing and less telling. What sort of differences would magical practitioners perceive?

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