Re: Gods verus Spirits, and more.

From: Charles Corrigan <glorantha_at_...>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 16:52:03 -0000

> Sure, but my problem is with the magicians telling them apart. I
> mean, when doing a scene I could tell the player that, but I would
> like to do more showing and less telling. What sort of differences
> would magical practitioners perceive?

For instance, Heortling godi know how to talk with daimones and even an enemy daimone will respond to their rituals (though possibly negatively). These rituals, IMO, include small sacrifices.

Heortlings have some concept of a spirit - enough to recognise the signs. The way to talk with spirits, again IMO, is through experience of each type being's position in this world (including the spirit otherworld) and talking and bargaining - its all very personal and intimate.

Heortlings have little, if any, experience of essenses. The way to deal with essenses is through knowledge of the order of the universe and most minor essences can be dealt with as mindless automatons.


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