Re: Putting your enemies in the arena

From: Wesley Quadros <wquadros_at_...>
Date: Sat, 09 Jun 2001 08:26:10 -0700 wrote:
> Message: 3
> Date: Fri, 08 Jun 2001 11:50:05 -0000
> From: gamartin_at_...
> Subject: Re: Putting your enemies in the arena
> > We've always seen the arena in Alkoth as a site for human
> sacrifices
> > to Shargash: feed him now, or he'll get out and feed himself!
> Is there reason to believe that other arenas in lunar territory arise
> from the tradition in Alkoth, or does the Alkoth arena come from
> elsewhere, initially, by any chance?

In GRoY, Urvairinus is said to have created the Gladitorial games to celebrate his death. From that and other things (the first DH to take slaves, the first DH to invade his neighbour, the first DH to conquer his neigbour, first DH emperor to fight an enemy man-to-man) I suspect that Urvairinus may have originally been an Alkothi and therefore a Shargashi.


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