Re: Imminence

From: bjm10_at_...
Date: Fri, 15 Jun 2001 15:27:15 -0000

> I think there are more likely to be questers who did things the
> 'wrong' way and who then suffered terribly for it - along with
> their followers.

Does "more likely" mean "absolutely all under all circumstances"? Your statement in no way invalidates my own. After all, didn't Monrogh quest the "wrong" way?

> You have to ask yourself, if your god failed in some task, why
> did it happen? If the god learned something from their defeat,
> and you win, they you won't learn it. If the god lost due to
> placing a higher priority on a virtue such as trust or love,
> then if you sacrifice that virtue to win then you will lose
> it's benefits.

Do the inhabitants of Sun County worship Elmal or Yelmalio?

> There's no such thing as a free lunch, in heroquesting more so
> than in mundane life.

How does that mean that heroquesters MUST adhere to the myths as they are taught? I'm no arguing that most heroquesters ought to break the rules--just that it can be done and the results might (stress the subjunctive heavily) end up better in the long run. The weakness of the gods is that they are enslaved to being who they are.

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