Re: Disciples clash

From: bjm10_at_...
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2001 19:15:51 -0000

I certainly hope so. But I'm a pessemist whenever that self-styled "liberator" gets involved in things.

> It seems to me that Orlanthi have a "live and let live" approach on
> religious matters. The big conflicts seem to errupt when someone

"Of course they do it that way, son. They're the Chipped Horn clan. If they did it like we did, they would be changing from their Old Ways." Essentially, diversity is accepted due to Orlanthi conservativism--a most appropriate paradox.

> to enforce an orthodoxy. Normally, the Black Oaks' irregular worship
> patterns would be merely a source of derision and an excuse to punch them
> at the seasonal market

But no Orlanthi would seriously think of demanding they stop. They may be wrong, but they are *ancestrally* wrong.

> another matter. Nothing rankles Orlanthi as much as "This Is the Way It
> Must Be Done."

Unless that happens to be the way that particular Orlanthi has Always Done Things (TM).

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