Re: Ring composition

From: bjm10_at_...
Date: Mon, 02 Jul 2001 20:04:07 -0000

I've a feeling that there are Odaylans and there are Odaylans, and not all Odaylans are Odaylans, although there are many Odaylans, but most of them are not Odaylans--and the Odaylan needn't necessarily be an Odaylan but is nevertheless an Odaylan even if he or she isn't an Odaylan.

Odaylan #1: Somebody who bothers to learn specific prayers to Odayla beyond "Odayla guide the arrow." These people probably are usually the ones most likely to be found in the "Odayla seat" if a clan has that. Not called an "Odaylan" (or equivalent) by clanmates. Doesn't appear in either old-style or new-style notation.

Odaylan #2: Someone who actually has time devoted to the worship of Odayla, but is not an Odayla devotee _per se_ or a "professional" practitioner of hunting. (old-style "lay member", not even on the radar new-style) Also not called an "Odaylan" (or equivalent) by clanmates.

Odaylan #3: Someone who might be known as "the Odaylan" or "one of the Odaylans" by the clan. Considered strange, but okay for your second cousin's daughter to marry. (old-style "initiate", new-style character who would actually have "Odaylan" as a Keyword--but not a lot in it)

Odaylan #4: One of Odayla's rare "priests" (old-style), would definitely have "Odaylan" as a Keyword (new-style).

Odaylan #5: An actual "disciple" (new-style) of Odayla (no solid-fit old-style equivalent).

An example that might make more sense to someone in our own culture:

Paleontologist 1: Bill watches Paleoworld on a regular basis. Paleontologist 2: Bill has a small fossile collection and will spend a week a summer on a dinosaur dig as his vacation. Paleontologist 3: Bill has a bachelor's degree in paleontology and works as a museum docent or as part of a paleontology project/lab. Paleontologist 4: Bill has a PhD in paleontology and a faculty post or the equivalent in the field.
Paleontologist 5: Bill not only spends his every living moment in a classroom, lab, or on a dig, but wears a cowboy hat, a string tie, and plaid shirts ***all*** the time. He sports a cheesy beard, which he always manages not to have combed if being photographed. Mention of the words "dinosaur" and "temperature regulation" within ten minutes of the other in his presence will unleash no less than an hour of theorization on his part, even if said by two different people in two different locations.

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