Balazar and the Hero Wars

From: Meints, Richard (R.J.) <"Meints,>
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 06:09:12 -0400

Having read the Griffin Mountain text to death while getting it ready for republication, here are a few of my ideas:

The Air War

I like this thread a lot. Dykenes Vroks against the new Condor squadron of Trilus. You could even have Lunar Wyvern riders tip the balance. The wyvern riders could be led by some of the Coders, who are heading back to the Empire for one final mission - the recovery of the wind sword...

Chaos Erupts

Gondo Holst manages to summon a Cacodemon so awesome that THIS Cacodemon decides to stay. It begins to build its legion of chaos minions, who gather their strength along the length of the River of the Damned, with their main "warcamp" set up on the Festering Island. Cacodemon begins summoning his friends via the chaos "hole in the world". The high-water mark of their invasion is the sacking of a Trilus weakened from it's air war with Dykene. The chaos horde is finally defeated by a small army of Giants, led by Gonn Orta. The chaos taint on Trilus lingers for a generation. The giant army appeared at the request of King Yalaring, who recovered Elkoi's ring. With one of its remaining powers he bid the giants to scourge the chaos army from the land. As a peace gesture to Dykene, who came to their aid, he uses its remaining power to request the rebuilding of Dykene, then hands the ring back to Gonn Orta. Gonn is delighted at the return of the ring, a keepsake he has missed since ! it was stolen by a duck bandit centuries ago...

That's all for now.


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