Re: Is Glasswall a vitrified fort.

From: Ian Cooper <ian_hammond_cooper_at_...>
Date: Mon, 06 Aug 2001 15:16:22 -0000

> Thanks ever so much for posting this link. I have never read such a
cogent account of the evidence for ancient atomic warfare against Scottish hill forts!<

Von Dnaiken's spirit lives on :-)

> > Surely, Glasswall is a vitrified fort!
> I'm wholly persuaded. Dragonfire, anyone?

My initial thought too.

Alternatives: the proximity to the mouth of Snakepipe Hollow could also suggest some Chaos fighting origin, either the effect of chaotic attack; a defence against it - maybe Isilidan who lives over the other side of Dwarf Run used a Mostali device to vitirfy the walls; or maybe the fort is volcanic in origin formed by Maran/Lodril (depending on your perspective <g> to defend the armies battling agaist the armies trapped in the hollow).

Lots of ideas here.

Ian Cooper

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