Re: Lunar attitudes to Malkioni and vice-versa

From: Nick_at_...
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 16:36:44 +0100 (BST)

Ian asked:

> What is the attitude of the lunars to the Malkioni, and vice-versa.
> The lack of major clashes seems to suggest tolerance, but is this the
> case?

I had a "sorcerous views" column about Lunar attitudes to Malkionism in Tales #13. I'll try to dig it out when I get home tonight and post it to the list.

Some Malkioni would see the Lunar Way as a monstrous heresy rather than a purely pagan religion -- they trace the lineage of the Lunar Empire through the Carmanians and back to 2nd Age Loskalm, a Malkioni nation. (Similar to the way some mediaeval Christians classified Islam as a Christian heresy rather than a religion in its own right). Others would write it off as "pagan moon worship".

I have an article on the Arrolians of Fronela (Lunar/Malkioni heretics out West) in the imminently forthcoming final issue of Tales; if you want to read up on them before that, try the Glorantha Digest's archive search engine at

And there's an Arrolian Lunar Church sect writeup (plus an Arrolian-influenced Syanoran sect, plus the original unLunarised Syanoran Church of Malkionism) on my website, at

Hope this helps. Happy to discuss further,

Cheers, Nick

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