Re: Tattoos

From: Thom Baguley <t.s.baguley_at_...>
Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 14:45:29 +0100

> From: sigaud_at_...
>And wouldn't thrall-taking customs involve some defacement of their
>tatoos ? Just to make sure they understand they're no longer part of
>their former clan ?
>Then, you line them up and mark them like your cows (or something like

I don't think that being a thrall means you cease being a member of your old clan (though failing to attend clan holy days would temporarily sever your magical connection to them). I'd feel uncomfortable about Orlanthi defacing other Orlanthi clan markings. (Besides wouldn't they be proud to have a thrall from the Black Ooak clan ... "See how weak they are").

>I imagine Horsespawns would do the same...
>And what about slave-taking lunars ? What do they do with their new
>captives ?
>1) Wash'em, they stink
>2) Scrap'em, that destroy their magic and make them the holy color of
>our Blessed Goddess
>3) Mark'em, chain them, and go on

I'm sure the Lunar's might mark their slaves and deface tatoos etc., but probably more to break them than for magical reasons.


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