Re: In need of a clan

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2001 13:25:21 +1000

I've just uploaded a doc to the files area that gives the clan ring and key people at Lagerwater stead, 1624. As Andrew requested, it is a Far Point hunting and herding clan - The Tresdarni clan of the Tovtaros - Bluefoot country. It names the clan ring and thunder brothers, and in a separate list the names, positions, cults and bloodlines of key people at Lagerwater.

I'm not sure if the cults are 100% TR compatible, but heck, take what you can use and chuck the rest.

There is additional clan info available in Questlines (which I know Andrew has, since he was the one who arranged the printing).

Hope this helps


(continually amazed at what he can find in his briefcase - thank the Storm for CDs!)

nysalor_at_... John Hughes

It will be easier on us, no doubt, Ailill said, to lose one man every day than a hundred every night.

> G'day all,
> I am in need of an off-the-shelf clan. Ideally a small hunting/trapping
Far Point clan but anything will do (if only for using names and positions). Orlanth has just been chained so most of the authority types are walking wounded and will be off scene for most of the session.
> If anyone can point me to a website with such a thing or email me a zipped
package I would be in your eternal debt.
> Oh did I mention I need it in 12 hours <sigh, damn flu>.
> Thanks, Andrew "harassed narrator"
> PS The PCs are only visiting for a week but may come back in a season or
two so it would be nice for me to have some continuity but without having to put tonnes of work into it.
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