Re: Great Lovers

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Tue, 25 Sep 2001 11:08:30 +1000

> Speaking of love, where are the great stories, where are Beren
> Half-hand
> and Luthien - Tristan and Isolde ?

Beatpot aside, (that's happening *now* and unlikely to be sung by a skald near you) the *ahem* archetypal lovers are of course brash young Orlanth and world-wise Ernalda. She is imprisoned by the Evil Emperor. He must win her and free her, she must mould and tame his windy excesses. Neither is lacking in the ego department: the courtship is 'stormy'. There are contents and quests and world-shaking arguments, an evil villain (boo hiss!), beautiful damsels, and courageous brothers.

I take the point though. Is there something in the Heortling mind that only accepts stories connected to the godplane in some way, or do they have their own classes of folk tales and 'folk heros' who aren't literal plane-bending heroes? (We're discussing this at the moment on the Digest). I certainly tend toward the latter, and, Bad King Ingrain aside, wish we had a few more folk heroes celebrated in story and song but not directly connected with cults and heroquests.

Folk of everyday legend, song and poem: brave kings and wise queens, tragic lovers, tribe-shattering beauties, wyrded brothers, ambitious warriors, cunning virgins, sleeping princesses, determined shepherds, ill-treated flowergirls who become princesses and brawling, fighting, rollicking families. Especially the latter :). Of course, many of these stories will get appropriated by cults in some way, because myth is the prime guide in Sartar life, but it would be nice to have a few more historical and legendary tragedies, whimsies and family dramas to draw inspiration and allusion from.

Not a complaint, a challenge.



nysalor_at_... John Hughes

Oh, Lady, your breast is your field.
Innana, your breast is your field.
Your broad field pours out plant.
Your broad field pours out grain.
Water flows from on high for your servant. Bread flows from on high for your servant. Pour it out for me, Inanna.
I will drink all you offer."

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