Re: Urban Heortlings

From: joe_at_...
Date: Fri, 05 Oct 2001 17:06:31 -0000

> The first thing that struck me is that "Urban Heortlings" is an
> oxymoron.

The society formed by Heort started out as a bunch of rural survivalists, but during 1620 years of history the Heortlings maintained and founded lots of cities.

Just because the Sartarites are descended from the most reactionist refugees from Heortland this doesn't mean that all Heortlings are and always have been as rural. Heortlings started the EWF Empire and led it to a greatness to rival and outdo the empire-wise Dara Happans.

> And the Lunars are *used* to cities (and taxes), I'm sure
> they'll figure out how to tax the rare urban Heortling.

I agree - they don't tax the flow of material goods, but some arbitrary amount distributed among the populace, leaving it to this economy to provide the tribute somehow. The Lunars don't need to tax fairly, and anyhow, one always can join them for tax evasion.

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