RE: Re: stinky towns

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2001 17:30:59 +0300 (EET DST)

On Thu, 4 Oct 2001 bernuetz.oliver_at_... wrote:

> Ian suggested :
> >Still don't think that those towns smell good though :-)
> Probably not as good as the open country (unless you're near a sewage lagoon
> or big pig barn:-) but that point about air daimones sweeping bad air away
> is a good one. There's also the possibility of using earth daimones to
> sweep dirt, etc., away plus there's probably critters like brownies and
> kobolds around that might help with cleanliness (though maybe not in the
> real big places like Boldhome which probably has dwarven solutions
> instead)...

!!! A tought occurs!

We know there are both Dwarf and Troll influenses in Boldhome. The former helped build it, and the latter are known to live there. (Do dwarfs live inside the Quivini mountains?)

I suspect Boldhome does indeed have good and functioning open drains, and even some hidden ones in the posher areas of the town. But what can the Trolls offer?

Big Dung beetles! I don't mean anything you can ride on, but some fist sized dungbeetles could parhaps be trained (or enchanted more like) to help roll the manure and such from the streets into the drains, or bury it into gardenplots.

        -Adept : Hoping for a gazetteer on cities across Glorantha

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