
From: Svechin_at_...
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 17:54:29 EDT

martin writes:
>>I'd rather see Tarnils and Gerra and Orogeria than Avarnia.

>The ILH book one is the LUNAR book, which will have LUNAR gods only.

>Avarnia is (obviously, I thought) a stand-in for "cultural, non
>essential to most PCs and unimportant in HeroWars" cults.

That is entirely your own personal view. I asked your advice for an objective view on what you would put in the Lunar book, you are commenting as if this were your personal campaign instead of a book designed to appeal to a broad church.

>I want more detail on the "important" cults, at the expense, where
>necessary, of less detail in non-essential ones like Avarnia.

Yet you want detail on a Gerra cult that people are less likely to play than a Avarnia cultist. You have me confused.

>If I
>glance through the book and see only 1 page on Yanafal and half a
>page on Orogeria, frankly, I doubt if I'll buy it. There's some free
>market research.

So new Lunar cults, an exploration of the Empire, its ways, its military, its structure and its laws have no appeal for you then? I suppose we could just bin all that and write a 40,000 word thesis on the Tarnils cult, but you would be about the only person to buy it and we couldn't in all honesty call it the "Lunar" book could we?

>A draft, working definition of "important" is "cults Kallyr and her
>Lhankhor Mhy sage (sorry, forgot his name) have heard of".

This comment baffles me. To base your entire argument of what should be included in a LUNAR book on two ORLANTHI NPCs and their knowledge of the Empire is doing such a huge disservice to the people of the Empire and the people who want to play in the Heartlands and other areas, that I must think that you are pulling my leg. Otherwise the comment makes no sense. This is the LUNAR book we are writing. Not the "Kallyr and Minaryth go to the Empire on holiday" book! Which book are you taking about?

You tell me blithely that I should hit my head and think like a Lunar, as you presumably know how to do given that you are advising me on how to do it, then blatantly comment that the Lunar cults should be seen from an Orlanthi perspective!!!!

Does not compute.

>As is the universe, as it was formed of chaos.

>Last time I was on the (Glorantha) list and I said that chaos was as
>much a part of the world as Time and Air, the authorities declared me
>a foul heretic. :-) It was much nastier than this debate.

Well from a Lunar perspective, they are all linked.

Martin Laurie

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