Re: IG

From: gamartin_at_...
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 11:20:42 -0000

> If a Malkioni community has no powerful wizard to protect them,
> then they can do fine with a low fighting order to Gerlant or
> some other defending Saint. This needs just a liturgist and the
> grimoire for the fighters in the community to gain blessings. I
> suspect that a saint's relic could be used instead of a grimoire.

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense. In fact its arguably more flexible, in terms of the big picture, than pagan worship. If you are suffering serious Troll troubles, say, send a pilgrim to whatever Order makes Troll-smiting its business, and they can despatch a liturgist with grimoire to bestow appropriate blessings on your whole fighting force. Powered by the veneration of the whole community, this might imply a really sudden and dramatic increase in strength against such a threat.

One thing I'd like to ask though - if there is a dynastic struggle or similar within Malikioni/Loskalmi society, do blessings atc continue to work for both saides?

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