Re: Head count

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2001 12:08:56 -0800


> Simply because I'm too lazy to check the books for myself, can anyone
> tell me the 'current' (1600-ish pre-Lunar) attitude of the general
> Orlanthi/Sartarite population to the taking of heads in battle?

Very strong ju ju. Major mojo. Heavy wyrd for both the takers and their clan.

IMO, taking the heads of four-ways such as Uz, Grazers and Praxians is probably still relatively common - these are eternal enemies and in most cases quarter is neither given nor expected. You might take a Lunar head, but if you publicly boast about it (and the renown is half the reason for taking heads), your entire stead risks a visit from a Lunar crucifixion detail.

To take the head of a fellow Orlanthi however, is another matter entirely. Its very risky, and such a provocative act that it could easily involve your entire clan in a deadly and unforgiving feud.

To take someone's head is to steal part of their breath, and possibly prevent their spirit from taking its proper journey. It also dishonours the corpse, and prevents kin from making proper ritual and funery rite.

In taking a head, you bind some of your opponent's breath to yourself, and this can manifest in increased strength and courage or in other unexpected and not always positive ways. It is also uncomfortably close to chaotic behaviour, and might be judged as such if tried by a no-herd or a stickpicker, so only a known and respected warrior would normally be bold enough to risk it. Publicly taking a head makes you open to armed challenge at any time.

I'd personally see it occurring among Orlanthi only in two circumstances:

Otherwise, I'd see it up there with rape, herd mutilation, stead-burning and slaughter of wives as an extreme act of provocation. YGMV.


nysalor_at_... John Hughes

Night without flame
Clan without cattle;
Gors without a blade
Beer before battle.
Scorn from a woman
Trickster's kiss wet;
Anger of a brother
Chief's challenge unmet.

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