Nature of the Roads

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 21:49:29 +0200 (EET)

I think the roads of Pavis are a good indication of how dwarf-magic roads are like.

It's the magic of impossibly well fitting stone blocks (Like the mesoamerican stone works), subtle, rather than D&D style.

So I suppose the roads of Sartar are paved, and the horses are shod.

Then again, Sartar was a Larnsti hero, and their magic is that of change and transformation. So he could have done something to the dirt on the roads. But I don't think he made the roads by magic alone.

I think much of it is skill with earth and stone, and magic is more to do with maintaining the roads. (Curiously enough that sounds like the opposite of larnsti magic. Stability and Change are opposing runes. But that's what the dwarven allies are for I suppose, or the Issaries magic)


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