Taking it _off_ the GD...

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 01:46:26 GMT

Hi chaps. Since the Saints and Scholars on the Digest aren't coming up with the goods from The Canon, I thought you good people might come to my aid, and help me busk it. I have a Uroxi (or is that an Oo-roxi? I dunno, we should be gratetful Greg isn't as manic with the macrons and diacritics as the authors of _certain_ fantasy worlds...) who has decided that after an abortive thoughts of Pegasi from the Plateau of that name (non-existant, AFAIK), and gryphons from the block (untamable, and borderline sacrilegious on at least two counts), hit upon the only amazingly obvious idea of trying to acquire and ride a skybull...

So, cutting to the chase, what elements would feature in a Uroxi quest for a zarur? I'd have thought this would have been the obvious "Stormwalk mountain and twisting the head off of something" quest, but the published stormwalk seems to take a very different take (it being an O. Rex quest, and accordingly somewhat taken up with the "taming the unruly big bro'" aspect).

I'm not looking for anything definitive -- an educated guess at the likely stages would be ideal, and any sort of stab at all still gladly accepted.


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