on Darktongue

From: Mikko Rintasaari <mikrin_at_...>
Date: Sun, 20 Jan 2002 23:42:20 +0200 (EET)

Is the everyday darktongue spoken by trolls and their ilk a magical, elemental language like Firespeech or Stormspeech?

The elemental (sacred) languages are known to be very difficult to learn and speak by ordinary mortals. To be able to speak in Stormspeech is a sign of great piety among the Orlanthi, for instance. (see TR p6 for instance).

Obviously trolls are very connected to the element of darkness, and are naturally very good at commanding shades and demons of darkness.

But if their everyday speech is the elemental language of Darkness, isn't it _very_ difficult for humans and others to learn. I bet it would also effect the speaker of the language on many levels.

So the tought occurs that the Darktongue spoken by trolls is not infact the elemental speech, but rather a somewhat similar mundane language.

A young Esrolian goldentongue (in training) is trying to learn how to deal with (the rather civilized) trolls of Shadow Plateau, and I have to think how difficult it is to learn their speech, and how willing are they to teach it to a human. Luckily the clan in question are mostly Argan Argar, and the young man's uncle is a friend of their trader.

        -Mikko, the Adept

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