A load of old skybull...

From: Alex Ferguson <abf_at_...>
Date: Fri, 25 Jan 2002 02:04:03 GMT

FGS on zarur and/or zazur:
> Here are some that I know of:
> Urox goes to Prax to the Storm Age and tracks down a zazur, rescues it from
> chaos and it comes howme with him, being a normal animal.
> Urox climbs Stormwalk (can be in any age), ambushes a zasur and fights it
> using rope and stickUrox wanders nearly lost in Golden Age and rescues a
> cow. Zazur (son) shows up a year later for a lifetime of service to the
> uroxi, his clan (or band), and the cows of the herd.
> Urox wrestles with the earth giant, in the Golden or earliest Storm Age,
> and twists his head off. Among other things revealed from the corpse iare
> storm bulls. A supernatural creature can be persuaded, conquered or trailed
> and ambushed, and comes home as a blood brother.

Thanks, that was an unexpectly long list, but very cool. I suppose it underlines the breadth of Urox's relationship to them: as sire, protector, and conqueror. At a guess, the various different quests will tend more towards his fertility, his kinship, and his fighting prowess. (OK, so they'll _all_ be mainly fighting, I mean relatively!)

> Remember that these all include several stages of story events. Variant
> versions of most of them exist. What they share is:
> Entry cost of 5 HP

Owch. Seems a bit steep!

> wager of Ride [everything], which MUST be lost

The way you phrase that confuses me a little. Are you saying that (all) your ride ability(ies) are what has to be staked? Or that you have to lose the ability, _win or lose_?

> Net result of Ride zazur at 17 OR your Worship [Stormbull/urox], whichever
> is higher.

OK, the moral here is clearly, have a high Relationship... I wondered all this while what that number was for! And whether or not you get an actual bull depends on the form of the quest?

How will this vary depending on the objective of the quest? Say one's main goal is: a) to gain a personal mount; b) to gain the skill to ride them; c) to obtain a "source" of skybulls for one's clan; d) to make the skill readily available to the clan. Does which one principally desires effect either which "version" one should use, or the game mechanics for the "ante" and "stake"?

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