Re: Seven Mothers

From: jamesjhawkins <James.Hawkins_at_...>
Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 21:39:27 -0000

> 1. Personal example. Those YT swordsmen are tough, honourable and
> friendly. That Deezola healer saved your dad, when there were no
> Chalana Arroy within a day's travel. You always thought old Korvik
> the Lawspeaker knew it all, but that Irippi Ontor scholar gave him
> run for a money, even arguing over Heort's history...

1.1 Personal example (assisted). Lucky the YT swordsmen were around just when those hitherto unknown bandits attacked. Lucky that Deezola healer was there when that tree just happened to fall on your dad. etc.


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