tool or symbol? or both?

From: contracycle <gamartin_at_...>
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2002 14:10:25 -0000

This page belongs to a site by a an amateur archeologist with a fairly radical theory that the Egyptians might have used kites to raise obelisks and whatnot. Plausible or otherwise, the page above deals with some of the consequences of her line of enquiry, when the following thought occurred to her: "Just as the Crook and the Flail, the ultimate symbols of pharaonic power, were tools, it struck me, why aren't the rest of these symbols tools as well?"

The result is a set of really novel intepretations of much Egyptian symbology, frex the ankh as a belaying loop, sun disk as signalling device and lotus sceptre as masons mallet. What a concept, even if its all totally wrong.

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