Sartar Map

From: John Hughes <nysalor_at_...>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2002 18:51:15 -0800

So Wesley is doing a colour map of Sartar. Drool... I can hardly wait.

Of course everyone would love a detailed map of Sartar. Large as possible.

I personally would not advocate drawing tribal boundaries however. A paragraph of text describing the tribes' geographical ranges would be great, but clan boundaries, allegiances, tribal affiliations and even tribal identities are just too fluid. It's been bad since the invasion and its going to get a lot worse as the Hero Wars ignite.

Part of the design logic of Glorantha has always been to allow certain areas for narrator/GM/MLD input. For example, the nature of cults and key myths vary from clan to clan. With the exception of the Colmar, which was provided as an example, the clan composition of tribes is left to narrators, for campaign flexibility. Of course this hasn't stopped narrators detailing clans on their web sites (I've done this myself) or even producing lists for all the tribes.


nysalor_at_...                      John Hughes

Bloody in the clash of battle
 In the moot they are well-spoken,
In compassion, all-courageous
 And in worship strongly fierce!

They in praising never silent
 Resolute in quest and pathing,
And in courtship ever tender
 Ever-humble in mistakes!

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